
Inspired thinking on complex matters

Whether it’s crime, grime or county lines, gambling, gaming or troubled minds, we enable people to think curiously and creatively about the complex systems they lead, work in and interact with.

We specialise in neighbourhood safety, youth and community development, youth and criminal justice, as well as mental health and addiction systems.

Here's what we do...


  • Enabling people to make sense of health, justice and social care systems from many different perspectives
  • Inspiring people to build a shared vision of what is possible within the context of a safe and inclusive community that is full of opportunity
  • Agreeing on tangible action steps that will bring that vision into being
  • Addressing barriers, obstacles and challenges that blur outcomes and obfuscate progress.


  • Enabling people to develop and finesse their own roles, as well as that of their group, team or organisation within the system they operate in
  • Supporting people to respond to, influence and lead changes that benefit the system, communities and people they serve
  • Appraising people of key players that operate under their radar and who hold a critical stake and play a vital role within and across the system
  • Providing game-changing insights predicated on market knowledge, intelligence and research.


  • Co-creating and developing effective mutually supportive partnerships and collaborations that transcend conventional boundaries
  • Enabling stakeholder involvement, and helping community-led groups to establish effective connections with funders and service providers
  • Ensuring multiple voices are continuously and consistently being heard and acted upon
  • Creating, clearing and clarifying partnership pathways and communication channels.


  • Service modelling based on professional and lived experience as well as evidence from research
  • Designing, developing and rolling out effective business and operating models that are scalable, saleable and sustainable
  • Aligning innovations, programmes and operating models with impact reviews and effectiveness evaluations
  • Integrating services with mutual aid as well as with community-led and peer-to-peer support to optimise system-wide outcomes.


  • Mentoring and supporting leaders and practitioners based on where they are and the systemic opportunities and challenges they face
  • Convening and facilitating multi-sector, multi-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder listening and learning events and insight sessions
  • Addressing cross-sector culture and language barriers to support goal alignment, goal attainment and problem solving 
  • Facilitating and developing systems-focused terms of engagement and ways of working. 

Interested in what we do? Let's talk